First, my argument does not rely on “ancient Bibles”, so I am not in a deep hole. My argument relies on two different first century Roman historians that are respected as high quality sources. Please consider that scholasticism has agreed that the accounts by Josephus and Tacitus are trustworthy and legitimate records of the existence of Jesus of the Bible. I ask you to seriously consider what I am saying.
Second, I attempted to look into this claim that ancient Bibles were thrown out after carbon-14 dating and the cow hide story. I couldn’t find any sources talking about it, so I ask where it is you got your information from?
Third, the existence of Jesus from a scholastic position does rely on “ancient Bibles”. The earliest Biblical manuscripts are fragments from around 2AD-3AD from across the world. Seriously reconsider this claim of yours that it somehow disproves the credibility of the existence of Jesus.
TL;DR: Seriously consider researching into the fact that first century historians Josephus and Tacitus are proof that Jesus existed which is independent of the Bible or Christians.
Second: Either provide resources proving this ancient Bible claim and explain how that affects the existence of Jesus in anyway, or for the sake of truth abandon this claim.